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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/237
volume Number 12،
number In Volume 3،
issue Number 45
A Comparative Investigation of the Prosodic Features of Saadi, Molavi and Hafez’s Qhazals
Mansoureh Sabetzadeh
The comparetive study of prosody traits used in the poetries by Saadi , Molavi and Hafez ,is Of prim significance in stylistics of their Qhazals and other most famous of poets of seven and eight centuries, In this research, for the better identifying of the qualities of meters ,frequency of rare, common ,uncommon meters of 4350 Qhazals have been compared. Study of Saady and Hafez’prosody has presented that Ramal and Mojtas meters are the most frequent, eventhough Hazaj and Mozare meters enjoy the highest frequency in Molavi’ qazals.The different meanings usually have been presented with all of meters. Although Saadi and Hafez lived in different eges, the mesure and qulity of many their meters are remarkably similar. Molavi has had innovation in meters of his Qazal, especially the Repetition meters where as Saadi and Hafes had no innovative meters. Common meters of these poets are 30 that fifth of which are the most frequent. Repetition meters have geart effect on expressing influencing mystical meaning in Molavi’ Qazal.
, comparative
, Qazal
, Saadi
, Molavi
, Hafez
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